Robert Flury

Robert Flury

Dr. iur, Attorney at Law | LL.M.


Robert Flury has more than twenty years of experience in consulting and litigation in the field of intellectual property law. The main focus of his work lies in the creation and maintenance of trademark rights in about one hundred countries. He also specializes in litigation in the field of trademark law, copyright and competition law as well as patent and design law.

Robert Flury graduated in law from the University of Zurich in 1997 with a dissertation on copyright law. After an internship at the District Court of Zurich, he started working as an attorney in 1998 and then obtained a master’s degree in intellectual property law in the USA (Franklin Pierce Law Center, now University of New Hampshire).

After working in a larger commercial law firm, he familiarized himself with trademark administration and the management of clerical staff in a law firm specializing in trademark and design law. From 2010 he was a partner in a law firm in Zurich where, in addition to managing litigation, he assisted numerous of his clients in building their worldwide trademark portfolios.

Working languages: German, English and French

Office: Zurich

Memberships: German Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property (GRUR), Zurich Bar Association (ZAV), European Communities Trade Mark Association (ECTA), Swiss Institute for the Protection of Intellectual Property (INGRES), International Trademark Association (INTA), Swiss Bar Association (SAV)

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