What is copyright law all about?
You are wondering whether you are allowed to use or copy a picture or a text just like that. Someone gives you a warning on copyright grounds. Your copyright is being abused by others and you want to take action against this. Furthermore, you discover that your image is being used to illustrate a blog post or you would like to integrate this image into a collage. We know exactly the legal situation in connection with second-hand works and collective works. We are also happy to help you with questions about the integrity of works and the limits of copyright.
How can freigutpartners support you with copyright issues?
Regardless of whether you are dealing with real or digital images, texts, works of art, music and films, legal limits must always be observed when using copyright-protected content.
We will carefully examine what these facts are in your case and develop an individual utilization or defense strategy for you. This also applies with regard to related property rights, which in Switzerland in the print sector can often only be protected by the federal law against Unfair Competition. We are also happy to represent you before the civil courts by means of ordinary actions or precautionary measures. If necessary, it may also be justified to initiate criminal proceedings: Especially in copyright cases, this suitable instrument is often not taken into account.